Import/Export: Textures

How to import and export textures

WolvenKit is capable of exporting Cyberpunk XBM files to common formats like png. It will try and automatically determine the correct import settings based on the file name.

For the UI documentation, check Tools: Import/Export UI

For general information such as the file structure and output directory, check Import/Export

Exporting a texture from Wolvenkit

  1. Add the xbm file to your project

  2. Open the Export tool (Tools -> Export Tool)

  3. Select your texture

  4. Click "Export Selected"

This will generate a png file in your project's raw folder.

Export Options

XBM Export Type

Choose a common image format for exported textures. Possible options (as of 8.9.1):

  • png

  • dds

  • tga

  • bmp

  • jpg

  • png

Flip Image

Vertically invert textures for convenience

Importing textures

WolvenKit is capable of importing custom images as Cyberpunk XBM files. The Import/Export Tool can replace an existing XBM or generate new standalone XBM.

For compatibility reasons, you might want to stick to png files.

The easiest way to go about it is this:

  1. Add an existing xbm file of the same type that you want to import to your Wolvenkit project.

  2. Export the xbm file: this adds a png file with the same name to your project's raw folder.

  3. Overwrite the png with your edited texture.

  4. Open the Import tool, and select your png file. The correct settings should be applied automatically.

  5. Click "Import Selected".

Import Options

Advanced Options

By default advanced XBM options are hidden. This can be changed by modifying WolvenKit Settings. (Is this still the case? Double-check)

Texture Group

Select a preset for import. This will preselect the options below, so pick the right one for your use case!

Wolvenkit will try to guess the right preset from your file name, so you'll want to stick to the game's naming conventions.

Possible values are:

  • TexG_Generic_Color

  • TexG_Generic_Grayscale

  • TexG_Generic_Normal

  • TexG_Generic_Data

  • TexG_Generic_UI

  • TexG_Generic_Font

  • TexG_Generic_LUT

  • TexG_Generic_MorphBlend

  • TexG_Multilayer_Color

  • TexG_Multilayer_Normal

  • TexG_Multilayer_Grayscale

  • TexG_Multilayer_Microblend


Sets isGamma boolean upon import. Color textures (such as diffuse) must be set as true, or they will appear blown-out or too bright in-game.

VFlip (Default: True)

Should the image be v-flipped?

The game saves images as upside-down. Wolvenkit will fix that for you, so unless your texture is already flipped, you'll want to leave this alone.


as of 8.9.1

Raw format for export. Possible values are:

  • TRF_Invalid

  • TRF_TrueColor

  • TRF_DeepColor

  • TRF_Grayscale

  • TRF_HDRFloat

  • TRF_HDRHalf

  • TRF_HDRFloatGrayscale

  • TRF_Grayscale_Font

  • TRF_R8G8

  • TRF_R32UI

  • TRF_Max

Generate MipMaps

Should MipMaps be created?

The This requires the texture width and height to be potencies of 2!




Should the image consider transparency?

Last updated